Aug 25th response 1st Data science article response
After reading this article, I definitely believe that data science must become more humble before it can maximize its potential safely. I see there are some benefits geared towards helping funnel aid to developing countries or individuals, however it seems at this stage, the data industry is in fact “‘A blend of Red-Bull-fueled hacking,’” and looks to largely be driven by profit. Additionally, the predatory loans being sent out are taking advantage of people in developing countries where there are few to no laws protecting people’s data.
One topic which grabbed my attention in particular was the way that data science could be used to ensure that money put forward to help people actually reaches its destination. I believe when someone donates to a charity, one of the most important things to consider is whether or not your money is going where you want.
I completely agree with the article’s view that data from people’s digital footprints could help the situation of a pandemic. In fact, one country in Asia has used tracking software to trace Covid-19 and let you know when you have been in contact with an infected individual. Imagine people getting tested and treated early, likely saving thousands of lives! Voluntarily giving out your location 24 hours a day is frightening, most Americans tend to believe they value their privacy. However, many are giving their location away right now without even realizing it. Apps can still collect data on you without you even if you’re not using it, so long as they are in the background of an Iphone. I think one solution to protecting people more is to create regulations to both protect people’s information, and help people in need.